Technical Help & Resources / Using SFTP - Uploading Files to your Host

Using SFTP - Uploading Files to your Host

What is SFTP?

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for transfering files securely over the internet.
By default your host has a SFTP server installed on it for uploading files to.

How can It be used?

SFTP can be used to upload your website to your host or to upload changed webpages.

Using SFTP to connect to your host

To access your host through SFTP you will need to use the credentails provided upon the host setup.
This should be provided either by an admin or upon purchase, if you do not have these credentails please contact us.

To connect through SFTP you will need to use an SFTP Client.

For this example File Zilla an open source SFTP Client will be used.
You can download File Zilla here: Download

Go to the Site Manager in File Zilla
File > Site Manager
Then create a new site for connecting to your host
Click New Site

Protocol: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol
Host: Your domain
Port: SFTP port provided
Credentails: Your username and password
Logon Type: Normal

Click OK

You can now connect to your host by going to the dropdown in the top left corner  

Native SFTP Clients

If you would like to avoid installing any addtional software you can connect through SFTP by using your operating systems built in sftp command.

Windows, Linux and MacOSX all have a built in command for SFTP.

To use this command open the terminal and run:  sftp -h

This will provide information on the usage of the command.

How to Use SFTP Commands