Technical Help & Resources / Ports Accessable on Your Host

Accessable Ports on Your Host

Default Ports Opened

By default your host has ports 80, 443 and 22 exposed to the internet.
These are ports required for basic operation of your virtualized host.

Port 80 and 443 is for providing access to your web server while port 22 is
for terminal access to your host through SSH.

Due to the nature of SSH and the infrastructure routing of your host to the internet, SSH will have a unique external port. This unique external port should have been provided as part of the details upon your purchase.
If you have lost this information please contact us and we will be able to provide this.

Exposing Additonal Ports

Additonal ports can be requested before the host creation to allow TCP inbound connections.

For Example: If TCP port 5555 needs an inbound connection a unique external port for example TCP port 16121 can be provided to coralate with it. This makes it possible to provide inbound connectivity to your virtualized host.